PLEASE NOTE: Maryam bint-Suhayl is no longer the actress for the victim. To see the new actor click HERE.

On the left is Maryam bint-Suhayl, the victim, and on the right is Ibraheem bin-Suhayl, the jogger. Below is HRH Sohale Rahman who will be the antagonist.
I believe that Maryam is a suitable actress for the victim as she resembles a school girl and although, at 8, she is slightly younger than I had originally planned, she still fits the role well. Also, as she is younger, her death scene may have a greater impact on the audience. Her young age also has another advantage in filming as she is lighter than other candidates it will be easier to lift her into the boot of the car, which is a definite advantage. Her hair is long enough to have the effect that I planned for as it can move wildly when she runs. As she is my sister, I believe it will be easier to communicate with her in terms of what I want. It will also be easier to practice scenes at home making her a better actress for the finished product. Ibraheem bin-Suhayl is a good actor by talent and although he looks too young for the role, I think his acting skills will compensate for that and by using appropriate make up and costume, his age can be partially disguised. He also has a small mustache, which disguises his age further. HRH Sohale Rahman is, in my opinion, suitable for the role of the antagonist as he has the appropriate age, height and appearance to be able to relate to my chosen audience well.
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