
Sunday 4 January 2015

The Antagonist - HRH Sohale Rahman

Planning the antagonist's costume was the easiest of all. I knew, almost exactly, what the antagonist looked like, resulting in few options or alternatives. I wanted a white shirt, black shoes, black trousers and a red tie. Unfortunately, I did not have a red tie available, so rather than using red to connote blood and danger I used black to connote evil and death. As a result, the antagonist only has a mixture of white and black in his costume, white to connote innocence and black to connote death and evil. I also decided to roll up the sleeves of the antagonist. This had a double effect as, in my opinion, he looks more menacing and it shows that he is removing his innocence, by rolling up his sleeves. The final effect I used was to unbutton the the top button and to loosen the tie. This gives the effect that the antagonist is stressed out, which links well to our Group B and C1 target audience. In terms of make up and other effects, I did not feel that any were required as I thought the actor already looked the part in terms of age, height and facial features.

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