
Monday 12 January 2015

Facial Expressions & Body Language

Working out facial expressions and body language will be relatively easy as I already have an image of the characters should act.
The main facial expression/body language needed will be in the killing scene and when the antagonist realises that he has not killed anyone.
In the killing scene, the antagonist is going to have to act as if he has lost his mind to an extent. The victim will have to act as if she is really scared, which I think will be difficult due to the actress' inexperience in acting and being very young. The victim will have to effectively sound as if she is very scared and will have to gasp for air a lot, as if she was about to burst into tears. I think that her head and possibly her body will need to shake a lot as if she is shivering. The antagonist will, I think, need to use a lot of hand movement to emphasise his state of mind. This can be done by moving his hands in such a way to show that he is about to really enjoy the near future, in a loony sort of way. This will also require the widening of eyes and possibly licking his lips.
In the final scene, when it is revealed that the antagonist has not killed anyone, the antagonist will have to act shocked and in wonder. This can be done by frowning/lowering his eyebrows and by having a slight stammer in his voice. He will also walk slowly to portray his uncertainty. the jogger meanwhile, will raise his eyebrows as he will be confused and inquisitive. He will also stand up taller and will scan the antagonist with his eyes. He will walk slowly, again, to portray his uncertainty.

Facial expressions are used very frequently to generate an effect. One actor has used facial expressions a lot and that actor is, of course, the great Eddie Murphy. When we consider the amount of times he has used his drastic facial expressions, the implications of facial expressions become clearer. Facial expressions can generate an atmosphere whether that is comical, or sympathy, which has been used by Puss in boots multiple times

Image result for eddie murphy facial expressionsImage result for eddie murphy facial expressions
Image result for eddie murphy facial expressions
Image result for eddie murphy facial expressions
Image result for puss
Image result for eddie murphy facial expressions

Image result for eddie murphy facial expressions

Image result for puss

Body language is also important to determine the mood of a character. Looking at the images below, we can understand why body language is so vital.
Image result for bored body languageImage result for anxious body language

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