
Monday 5 January 2015

Equiptment List

  • Nikon camera and its stand/tripod
Image result for fujifilm s4500Image result for camlink tppre27
  • Script, so the actors know what to say
  • Storyboard, so that we know roughly what shots we should be doing
  • A second camera (for behind the scenes footage) 
Image result for panasonic nv-gs200
  • Costumes for the actors
  • Batteries, just incase the initial ones run out 
Image result for rechargeable batteries uniross
  • A light/filter so that the final footage is not too dark (this can be the camera light)
  • A knife, this is the murder weapon 
  • Glycerine + water in a spray bottle, to use as sweat on all three characters
  • Fake blood, to put on the antagonist and victim
  • Age olding make-up for the jogger (if I can buy some)
  • Some dirt to stain the victim's costume
  • A knife/pair of scissor to cut the costume of the victim. Actually, this is probably not a good idea.
  • Some signs so that other drivers who may be using the road will take more caution when passing the filming area. I tried this, but was unable to find big enough cardboard and as we are filming on country road, it is fairly open and not very dangerous.

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