
Thursday 20 November 2014

Second Questionnaire

Following my previous questionnaire I have decided to do a second to add to my understanding of horror audience.
Timestamp Why do you enjoy watching psychological horrors? What is your favourite psychological horror movie and why? Is there a particular theme (revenge, blood thirst etc) that you look for and what is it?
11/19/2014 15:45:37 no n/a n/a
11/19/2014 15:50:45 yes ANNABELLE jump scares, suspense
11/20/2014 8:38:02 Plot and characters Shutter Island, because Martin Sorcesse directed it and it's great. Mental illness or psychopathy is always interesting.
11/20/2014 14:36:44 they normally give me a good laugh screm because of how bloodly the film is blood thirst
11/20/2014 15:00:34 Yes  Black Swan Isanity
11/21/2014 8:48:33 yes the shining blood thirst
11/21/2014 14:10:07 No  I dont have one  cold blooded murder 
Do you want to be intellectually challenged when watching a psychological horror? When watching psychological horrors do you want to see special effects?
n/a n/a
yes  depends on the nature and style of the movie. Also the time period 
Yes! That depends. Shutter Island has some CGI as well as Hannibal, however, it's nto always used in a convenient way in other psychological horrors.
sometimes but mainly not again sometimes but mainly not
Yes No
yes no
yes  not too much special effects because with psychological horrors its all in your head 
What 'turns you off' when watching a psychological horror? What profession should the villain have?
n/a n/a
really obviously stupid moves. e.g. lighting a match and going up to the attic caretaker
Bad character development. Something intellectual, of high status.
women screming all the time something that people find trust in such as a teacher or a nurse
Monsters  Doctor 
men with bad bodies  murderer
sobbing family memebers and romantic scenes  teacher or doctor 

please note that each specific colour refers to an different answers from the same person. From this questionnaire, I can determine that special effects should be avoided and the opening must be intellectually challenging. Insanity and bloodthirst are also popular themes and I think a psychopathic killer similar to the antagonist in Psycho or The Shining will be a good choice.

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