The walker, who is a protagonist, will be wearing something white to portray his innocence as white is often linked to purity, angels and cleanliness. This can be displayed by a jogging outfit, with bright trainers to show that the character is cheerful as the bright colours will display his state of mind

The other protagonist, who is caught in the car chase scene will ideally have shorter hair, which we can make look wet and tangled to show that she is tired and unprepared for the chase. She will wear a red jumper, which shows that she is in danger due to red being linked with blood and murder. A jumper with an image on it will ideally be used as it will portray her innocence further by showing that she is childish. This will ideally increase the sympathy with the character. Finally, she will have a rucksack on to emphasis the fact that she is a school girl. The rucksack will ideally have a fun or childish design on it to increase the horror of her being chased and killed as she will be portrayed to be a happy and young (shown by the rucksack and jumper) teenager. The idea of her being young and childish can also be portrayed by her footwear, trainers with, ideally, flashy lights and some pink colour. The use of this costume will increase our range of audience as this scene will be targeted at parents and guardians.

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