
Saturday 13 December 2014

My Media Pitch

Above is my presentation of the media pitch and below is the power point that I used.

Above is the response of the class regarding my Media Pitch. Most of them thought my idea was good and that my target audience was well matched. The location was also thought to be good by everyone. From this, I will keep my audience and location slide the same or may add some more detail to the latter specifically. My inspiration slide was not present so that will be added for my second draft. My plot was accepted as good but some felt, and I agree with them, that I did not explain the jogger's role for the latter part of the film. To rectify this, I will add my three acts from my synopsis post to provide a more detailed plot. Finally, some thought that I should have described my characters personalities as well as their costumes. This will be therefore added to my second draft

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