
Saturday, 13 December 2014

My Opening Credits

My Credits are the following:

  • Director (Yousuf bin-Suhayl). I have chosen to be the director as I know the film plot the best and how it should turn out. This means that I should direct everyone so that they understand what is needed for the film
  • Director of Photography (Robert Richardson). Robert was director of photography in Shutter Island, which has a similar plot line to my film. I there fore think that he will be a good choice as director of photography as he has had experience in psychological horrors
  • Screenwriter (James Wan). James is a famous horror movie director, screenwriter and producer. He Directed saw, Insidious and The Conjuring. He was also the screenwriter in many of these films. Having him as the screenwriter will be a good idea as he has had a lot of experience in writing major horror movies. I think his ingenuity in the scripting will be very useful for my film.
  • Production Company (Mind Movies). This is the production company that I created in my earlier posts.
  • Producer (Yousuf bin-Suhayl). As Mind Movies is my production company, I felt that I should be the producer.
  • Casting (Ellen Lewis). Ellen has done casting in many movies such as Shutter Island, Forest Gump and The Departed. For this reason I think she will be a good addition to my team.
  • Editing (James Wan). I think James should be the editor for the same reasons as before.


Sohale Rahman
Ibraheem bin-Suhayl
Maryam bint-Suhayl


Below is the approximate timeline for Opaque Psycho - my main task.

My Production Company

I have based my production company on that of BENDERSPINK because it is the production company of psychological horrors and I thought it would be a good idea to use it as a target.
I though of Mind Movies because my film is a Psychological horror and therefore my production company should somehow relate to that. The first thought that I came up with was brain and then mind. I chose mind for the sole reason that it starts with the same letter as movies resulting in the name sounding better as it is interlinked. I then struggled to find a format to present the production company and after my initial fails,the first one is in my media pitch and the second is on the right. Having then completed my Production company research I decided to base mine around that of Benderspink's and I came up with the image below. The blood splattering is useful as it links the production company to the horror genre and as a result the production company image is linked to both the psychological, and horror, aspect of the film industry. As the splatter and font is black, which is associated with darkness and the night, the audience will link the production company with death and evil, and finally horror. I think that having the splatter black rather than red allows it to blend with the font more and make it more eerie by suggesting to the viewer that the production company is linked with the black death and evil.

My Media Pitch

Above is my presentation of the media pitch and below is the power point that I used.

Above is the response of the class regarding my Media Pitch. Most of them thought my idea was good and that my target audience was well matched. The location was also thought to be good by everyone. From this, I will keep my audience and location slide the same or may add some more detail to the latter specifically. My inspiration slide was not present so that will be added for my second draft. My plot was accepted as good but some felt, and I agree with them, that I did not explain the jogger's role for the latter part of the film. To rectify this, I will add my three acts from my synopsis post to provide a more detailed plot. Finally, some thought that I should have described my characters personalities as well as their costumes. This will be therefore added to my second draft

Friday, 12 December 2014

Production Company Research

The production company I will be researching is Benderspink. thge reason I chose to research this company is because they have produced some classic psychological horrors one of which is still remembered as the scariest movie of all time. Films produced include, The Ring, The Butterfly, We're The Millers, Horrible Bosses 2, MONSTER-IN-LAW and The Hole.

During the promotion of The Ring, many promotional websites were formed to publicise the actors and locations. even small clips of the film was used. This increased public interest in the movie and also resulted in increased interest in the actors which subsequently led to a further interest in the film. Nowadays, if the same technique was used, people would become curious about the expected film and would try to work out the plot of the film. This would lead to people posting their ideas on youtube and other social media, which would increase the anticipation and introduce the film to some who may not have heard of the film or who were previously uninterested. Overall, this tactic causes a chain reaction which leads to the free advertisement of the movie, which is a major bonus.

I will be using a similar style to this logo for my own. I would like to be able to create the increasing/decreasing font size, but I doubt that I will be able to create a decent replica with Powerpoint 2013 or Adobe Premier Pro, as I am unfamiliar with the program. I would like to use Adobe After Effects to create something 'special', which could give my main task another mark or two, but the program is unavailable to me so this is impossible.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014


Opening Credits Research

In the opening credits of Shutter Island, the following roles and personnel are displayed:

- Who the film was made by, i.e. the director (Martin Scorsese). Red font, on the bottom right of the screen.

- The producer of the film (Micke Medavny and Arnold Messen). Red font, on the bottom left of the screen.

- The person who has done the screenplay (Laeta Kalogridis). Red font, on the middle left of the screen.

- The author of the novel the film is based on (Dennis Lehane). White font, on the middle left of the screen.

- The director of photography (Robert Richardson). White font, on the bottom right of the screen.

- The lead actors are named:
Ben Kingsley, bottom left in white font.
Leonardo DiCaprio, top left in white font.
Mark Buffalo, top left in white font.

- The editor of the film (Thelma Schoonmaker). White font, on the bottom left of the screen.

- Who has done the music (Robbie Robertson). White font, on the bottom right of the screen.

- The title is finally shown (Shutter Island). Red font, increasing size from the centre of the screen.

By putting all of the credits on the side of the screen and varying their positions, it makes the opening appear more important than the film thereby keeping the audience engaged with the film. This idea is furthered when the title is shown in the centre of screen. The title grows in size also showing that the film is starting.
A mixture of red and white is used, highlighting the fact that there is innocence and purity as well as danger and death.

In se7en opening credits there are a few differences:

The production company is mentioned.
Who has done the casting.
The costume designer.
Who has designed the production.
Who are the coproducers and co-executive producers.
Who wrote the script.