
Monday 13 October 2014

Horror Audiences Part 2

Horror Audiences - Part 2

Below is the results of a Questionnaire that I handed out. This questionnaire was designed to explain horror audiences.
For my bar charts I used

Q1. What Gender are you?
 A1. 30 males and 30 females.

I chose an equal smaple of males and females to make the questionnaire fairer.

Q2. What age group are you in?
A2.  I selected an equal number from each age group.

Q3. Do you enjoy Horror movies?
I was surprised to find that more females enjoyed horror movies compared to males as my previous research would have indicated otherwise.

Q4. What is your favourite type of Horror?
From here onwards I have only included data from people who enjoy horror movies. That would be 18 males and 20 females. Many people had more than one favourite genre, these results were included.

Q5. What was your favourite Horror movie?

Most of the favourite films were spread out evenly, but I was surprised to find that Nightmare on Elm Street was nobody's favourite.

Q6. Who is your favourite Horror villain?

Results were again scattered and most girls did not have a favourite villain. It was surprising to find that people's favourite characters were not from their favourite film.

Q7. Where do you enjoy watching horror movies? 

These results indicate that girls are perhaps more social or that men enjoy a scare more.

Q8. What do you find to be the scariest weapon?
The knife and axe were generally found to be the more scary weapons. I expected this as people generelly feel scared about cuts and amputations, which can be linked to these instruments.

Q9. What is your favourite location for horror?
 The favourite location was by far an abandoned building. This indicates that people are scared of confined and lonely areas.

Q10. Why do you watch horror movies?

Here we can see that most people watch horror movies for a thrill. This could arguably be classified as  'for entertainment', making it the most popular choice by far.

Q11. How often do you watch horror movies?

From the chart above, it would be fairly reasonable to state that many people do not watch horror movies often, even if they do enjoy watching them.

Q12. Which gender do you prefer for the villain?

It is evident from this chart that a male villain is most preferable. This could be down to the fact that it is more realistic as males are generically seen as more violent than females.

Q13. Which gender do you prefer for the hero?

This shows that males are preferred for the hero. This contradicts my previous research, where females were preferred to be the hero. 

Q14. What would you prefer to happen in a horror?

This shows that the protagonist dying is the most common preference, but apart from this, different genders appreciate different endings. This preference of ending seems to show that the female gender is more sensitive, hence they don't want everyone to die, but prefer for the antagonist to die or become good.

Q15. Do you want the opening to give away the plot?
This shows that the opening should not give away the plot, as this is the preference regardless of gender.   

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