Roman Polanski is a Polish film director born in Paris, 1933. His first film was Knife in the Water (1962) and his first english film was Repulsion (1965). He was nominated in the Oscars six times and has directed many psychological horrors, which is the genre for my Main Task. Psychological horror films that he has directed include; The Tenant (1976), Rosemary's Baby (1968) and China Town (1974). He has also directed films of other genres such as The pianist (2002), Oliver Twist (2005) and Carnage (2011).
The following are Roman Polanski quotes:
"My films are the expression of momentary desires. I follow my instincts, but in a disciplined way."
"You have to show violence the way it is. If you don't show it realistically, then that's immoral and harmful. If you don't upset people, then that's obscenity."
"The best films are because of nobody but the director."
From these quotes I have decided not to include any action in my horror opening as I would be unable to film it properly without stuntmen. This has led me to decide to do a psychological horror opening. Also, even though acting is key, it is most important that my actors fully understand what they need to do when filming and that I plan well enough so that I have thought and covered every possible aspect of Mis-en-Scene and so that I can create the best possible horror factor.
A horror opening is somewhat similar to the prequel of a series, you have to captivate the audience without giving them too much information. Arguably, the most important part of a prequel is to end on a cliff hanger or to leave questions unanswered, which is what I will attempt to do in my Main Task.
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