A font is a style of writing. Fonts can be italic, bold or underlined. Common fonts that are used everyday include; times new roman, verdana or arial. In this post, I am using the courier font, this is larger than arial and I thought it would be suitable to use a different font for a post on fonts. Different fonts are used for different applications. In the media and more specifically, the filming industry, different fonts are used to create different effects on the audience depending on what type of text is being shown. For a romance or a family film, a flowery and neat font would be used. In a horror, which is what I will be analysing, the font needs to give a scare factor. The type of font almost gives an inside glance at the structure and style of the movie.
This font, known as Poltergeist Regular has cuts in the letters giving a slasher horror feeling. The dots around the letters could be used to indicate blood, making it ideal for a slasher or psychological genre. From my own perspective the style of the letters gives me a feeling of looking at the past or chase scenes. I believe that this makes the font ideal for an action horror. This could also be useful in a psychological horror as the cuts in the letters could connote missing memory, thereby making it useful for a film such as identity or a film were the plot is about someone who has a split personality or is trying to find out the truth regarding an event, he needs to fill in the gaps/cuts.
This font, known as Tricky Treat Regular has patches and holes in letters gives a feeling of emptiness ideal for the supernatural genre. The writing style also looks as if little time has been spent showing that either the antagonist is very gruesome in the way he kills, or that he must catch his victims quickly, making him unprepared and creating room for error. The letters are of different sizes giving an eerie feeling that would be ideal in a supernatural or psychological genre.
This font, known as Gloss Regular has a dripping look as if blood is dripping off the letters making it suitable for action, as blood is often linked with danger, this font thereby involves the audience from the beginning of the film, or psychological genres. The writing is also somewhat neat, giving a feeling that in the film, something has been carefully planned and that someone is very precise and swift in how he acts. This makes the audience feel that the protagonist is trapped and unlikely to escape thereby challenging the audience intellectually to try and figure out methods of escape for the protagonist. The unnatural style of the letters gives a more psychological rather than action horror feeling making it more ideal for a psychological movie.
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