
Saturday 27 September 2014

Nine Frame Analysis

In the first frame, we see the back of the character's head in a close up shot. This gives him a mysterious appearance as the audience are unable to identify who this character is. The character is smartly dressed in a shirt and jacket, this shows that he is a professional person and is possibly on his way to a meeting. His black suit represents death leading the audience to believe that the character is the antagonist. In our planning, we thought it was important for the audience to know who the antagonist is, so as to not leave them confused.

In the second frame, we see the character's feet moving towards the door in a close up tracking shot. This continues to describe the character as the audience can see polished shoes and black trousers. The character's face is still not shown increasing the mystique of his appearance.

In the third frame, the character is seen walking towards a table, the shot changes from close up to a long shot. This combines the earlier descriptions of the character into a visual representation for the audience. The character is moving towards a black chair, once again linking him to death and evil.

In the fourth frame, we see the character's torso in a mid shot. The red tie signifies danger, again linking the character to death. His jacket is buttoned up showing that he is a reserved person and not open to ideas, he wants to do things his way without any changes. The character is pulling an envelope from his jacket, this envelope is white, which contrasts to his black suit, suggesting that the envelope is important.

In the fifth frame, a new character is shown opening the envelope in a mid shot. The character is chewing gum, suggesting that he is calm and is used to these situations. He is also dressed in black, linking him to death and evil. The white shirt shows that he has some innocence but he is surrounded by death and evil.

In the sixth frame, the first character stabs at the target's image in a mid shot, emphasising that he wants him dead. He is stabbing a white paper, showing that he is destroying his innocence.

In the seventh frame, we see the target in a mid shot. He is wearing a blue shirt showing that he is calm and his black waistcoat shows that he is slightly evil or is becoming evil. His shirt is hanging out, showing that he is nervous about something. The balcony gives the audience a danger feeling as it appears that the character may fall over the balcony.

In the eighth frame, the target is being dragged away by the hitman in a mid tracking shot. The doors start to close behind him showing that this is the end and that he is dead.

In the final frame, the image of the target is crossed out with red ink. The red ink is use to show that danger has not yet passed.

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