In the first scene where the boss hired the hit-man, we used the our school dance room. The reason was that the room was quiet, and it had a decent echo, which we believed necessary for when the boss walks into the room. The echo also makes the boss sound more powerful as his voice will sound loud and clear. The room was very bright (when we got the lights to work), this allowed a good image of the characters. The empty room also works well as it appears professional and suits the idea of it being an interview room for the hitman. The curtain is black which is linked to the night, evil and death. This gives an effect to the audience as they want to know what is behind the curtains. A good idea would be lots of artillery, including pistols, shotguns, knives, bullets, grenades and a costume. Unfortunately we could not include this as it was beyond our budget and available resources.

For the second scene - when the hit man kills the target - we used a balcony, this gave the hint of danger as the target could fall creating a scare effect on the audience. As the target was the CEO of a small business, the balcony had the look of an office area due to the doors on the side and the lighting. The natural lighting from windows was also excellent as this gave a natural look.
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